What we're up to

National Park(ing) Day 2023
On September 15, 2023, KTUA participated in Park(ing) Day, a global, public, participatory project where people across the world temporarily repurpose curbside parking spaces and convert them into public parks and social spaces to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets for people.
When people on the street pass our office they notice the letters on the face of our building and often ask if KTUA is a radio or TV station.
During Park(ing) Day, for a day, KTUA became a mock broadcasting station. We featured three FaceBook Live segments: Patrick Montgomery from Native West Nursery discussed pollinators (types of insects and animals, not just honey bees), ornamentals, and native plant species that support pollinators. Mike Madewell from Hunter Industries spoke of the importance of water conservation in both residential and commercial landscapes. And KTUA’s own Principal Chris Langdon and Senior Associate Planner, Jacob Leon, talked about trends with Park Planning and Design for Healthy Placemaking.
Thank you to our supporters (ANOVA, QCP, Belgard Pavers, Everde Growers, Native West Nursery, and Hunter Industries) and staff who contributed toward making Park(ing) Day a success.