KTUA prepared the City of Temecula’s original Multi-Use Trails and Bikeways Master Plan in 2002 and was selected in 2013 to update it to include extensive public outreach and to address conceptual designs and cost estimates for the priority projects that resulted from the outreach effort. The update’s primary objectives are to identify and close bikeway and trail gaps and to develop programs to increase cycling mode share. The project’s first phase was primarily an online outreach effort to define the most desired facilities and types, culminating in a large public meeting that included refreshments and prize giveaways sponsored by local businesses and bicycle valet parking.
The second phase is an implementation plan that defines responsibilities for selected projects as either City CIPs or standard striping and roadwork, or as developer conditions, as well as a category of projects likely to be implemented through a combination of volunteer, advocacy and philanthropic organizations. This reflects the sheer variety of projects citizens requested, ranging from the completion of a network of Class 1 paths along area creeks and aqueduct easements connecting neighborhoods and retail centers, to buffering bicycle lanes on major roadways.
KTUA conducted a sidewalk study to prioritize critical sidewalk gaps in the City. The city was seeing an increase in both pedestrian and bicycling activity as well as collisions. It was important for the City to identify these gaps and develop a prioritized study to obtain grants, and to incorporate projects into CIP budgets to increase safety and connectivity. KTUA built the inventory based on the City’s existing sidewalk data and aerial photographs. After initially assessing the data and identifying key segments with the City’s guidance, field verification was conducted. Field maps were developed and segments were verified and pedestrian impediments were collected using GPS units. Data collected was used to develop preliminary cost estimates. Prioritization was based on proximity to schools, parks, retail and transit. Existing and future population and employment densities, traffic volumes, and collisions were additional factors in the ranking process.
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City of Temecula
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2017 APA Inland Empire Honor Award