The National City SMART Foundation (Safe, Multi-modal, Accessible Routes To…transit, work, school, services and recreation) is based upon improvements to the walkability and bikeability of the community. KTUA prepared the grant application as well as the study. The focus of this planning study was on integrating pedestrian access, neighborhood enhancements, and Safe Routes to School and improvements with a variety of ongoing studies, regulations and opportunities. The SMART Foundation is the basis on which non-motorized mobility and land use improvements can be made at a neighborhood level.
Proposed improvements were based on public input, walk audits, GIS analysis, crime and collision analysis, connectivity and accessibility to schools, parks and healthy food sources, and Safe Routes to School surveys. Design improvements included 30% grant-ready drawings and the identification of funding sources for each project. Extensive outreach included public workshops (English and Spanish), walk audits, focus workshops, and community and neighborhood meetings. Since completion of the plan, the city has used the priority projects identified in the plan to secure more than $10M in grants to fund construction.
KTUA and Circulate San Diego conducted walk audits in each of the nine neighborhoods to identify deficiencies and public safety concerns. The residents were an integral part of this data collection, which served basis as the basis physical improvements. The final plan identified one community-supported project for each neighborhood.
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City of National City
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2015 APA San Diego and California Honor Award