To help achieve its mobility goals, the City of Encinitas contracted with KTUA to develop a citywide Active Transportation Plan (ATP) built upon previous mobility planning documents, particularly its bikeways, trails and pedestrian master plans, as well as incorporating substantial public input.
KTUA’s scope focused on identifying and integrating those previous efforts into a single document, emphasizing Complete Streets philosophies. This included updating the Bikeway Plan Map to address new route priorities and re-validate network classifications; a comprehensive overview of bicycle programs, including examples of the most innovative, forward-thinking initiatives; a review of bicycle parking standards and requirements; updating the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to account for completed projects, potential new routes, phasing and costs; and updating the Let’s Move, Encinitas! Pedestrian Travel and Safe Routes to School Plan to integrate established pedestrian priorities with other active modes of transportation, including a review of identified pedestrian programs for ultimate incorporation into the final ATP. The ATP is intended to cohesively integrate these documents into an overarching plan that will establish active transportation priorities citywide.
Simultaneous with the ATP, the City conducted a Rail Corridor Vision Study (RCVS) and an associated parking study. Due to their closely related nature, public outreach for all three studies was conducted concurrently. KTUA also worked on the RCVS and prepared informative graphics such as large-scale aerial maps, 3D models and infographics employed at the public meetings conducted for the project, including five conventional workshops, one in each neighborhood. KTUA also provided the mapping used to gather comments at nine other “pop-up” outreach events and then compiled, analyzed and summarized all outreach results. These summarized results will be used to update bicycle and pedestrian planning within the ATP to better integrate them as cohesive components of an overall active transportation vision for the City of Encinitas.
The ATP and RCVS, along with an ongoing parking study, will support a Circulation Element update that will establish travel goals and a policy framework for Encinitas’ next 20+ years.
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