Building on the momentum of the award-winning Santa Ana Downtown Zone Complete Streets Plan, KTUA was retained to continue the Complete Streets planning effort for Central Santa Ana. To support this effort, KTUA created several StoryMaps to help keep residents informed and to tackle technical topics. The City has identified five existing corridors to be part of the study with the goal of adding connections between them, and adding new corridors for a complete network. Because of the success of the outreach process, designs and grant procurement for the Downtown project, the process for Central Santa Ana was almost identical, while incorporating additional grassroots organizations to conduct the outreach.
As part of this on-going project, a four-day workshop was completed averaging more than 30 people per day over an entire weekend. Translation services and materials were provided in Spanish. Various activities took place such as tactical urbanism with a demonstration cycle track and parklet, walking and biking tours and a bus-walk tour combination. The activities allowed participants to experience the City streets and transit firsthand and provide insight as to what they would like to see improved. Participants engaged in various mapping and table exercises to narrow down the various options to their most important priorities. A follow up workshop was then conducted to selected the top ten corridors to be included in the final plan. Participants were also involved in the recommendations of each corridor which included intersection art, traffic calming and streetscape improvements.
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City of Santa Ana
Key Personnel
2019 SCAG Sustainability Award for Active, Healthy and Safe Communities