Bernard’s background started in the private landscape industry, working in retail nursery sales, landscape and hardscape construction, small nursery management, hydro-seeding, irrigation construction and landscape maintenance.
In 1987 Bernard obtained his B.S. Ornamental Horticulture degree and a Minor Degree in Landscape Irrigation Design at Cal Poly, Pomona. While at Cal Poly he set his focus on landscape irrigation design. After graduation he was first employed by Associated Irrigation Consultants. Bernard then came to KTUA. He has been integral to the firm’s irrigation design and planning department since 1988.
Bernard approaches each project as a unique and welcome challenge. His background in ornamental horticulture gives him a firm understanding of plant needs for effective irrigation system design. In 2011 Bernard became certified by the Irrigation Association (IA) as a Certified Commercial Irrigation Designer.
Industry experience
38 Years
36 Years
B.S. Ornamental Horticulture, Specialization: Landscape Irrigation Design, Cal Poly Pomona, 1987
2011 Certified Irrigation Designer #45519
619 294-4477 x116