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KTUA Wins Two Circulate San Diego Momentum Awards
On October 25, 2017, KTUA won two Awards at the 2017 Circulate San Diego Momentum Awards Ceremony. Our winning projects, in the Connectivity category, were the San Diego Canyonlands’ City Heights Loop Trail and City of San Marcos’ Armorlite Drive Complete Street. The Connectivity Award is awarded to a project that Involves an urban trail, path, bridge, underpass or other project that improves pedestrian, bicycle or transit connectivity; has been implemented or has been approved for implementation by the local jurisdiction; serves as an example locally and nationally; has garnered community support.
KTUA is very grateful for the wonderful work from all supporting team members on each project as we couldn’t have done it without you.
City of San Marcos Armorlite Drive Complete Street – KTUA successfully prepared a SANDAG Smart Growth grant application and then worked with the project civil engineer on the development of construction documents for the Armorlite Drive Complete Street project. The project is a $3.3 million ground-up redevelopment of a former industrial street into a human-scaled residential Complete Street. The site is within easy walking distance of Palomar College and the Sprinter line’s busiest station, as well as the Inland Rail Trail and Mission Sports Park. The design includes a cycle track, dual mode crossings with bicycle signal heads, wide walkways with pedestrian-scale lighting and street trees, and mid-block crossings with in-pavement flashers, raised speed tables and offset path refuge medians. Project infrastructure includes low impact development features including permeable paving, bio-swales, bio-retention basins and structural soils.
KTUA provided construction document support for the cycle track as well as other street components, including drainage options using Silva Cells for stormwater runoff. The plans included all landscape architecture for the corridor and along the edge of the cycletrack. Construction documents included planting, hardscape, street furnishings and irrigation systems. This project represented a full spectrum from original Complete Streets/traffic calming concepts to grant writing, design and construction services.
City Heights Loop Trail – KTUA provided technical assistance to San Diego Canyonlands on an Urban Greening Grant through the Strategic Growth Council. We then worked with Canyonlands to select sustainable routes, followed by preparing design guidelines, a construction drawing package, shepherding them through city permitting, selecting a contractor and overseeing construction, a two year process. Construction administration included flagging trail routes to avoid sensitive plants and revising some segments due to erosion damage that had occurred in the two years since the original alignments were developed.