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City of Goleta Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Wins APWA Award
Congratulations to the City of Goleta! On March 14, 2019, City of Goleta Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan won the 2018 APWA-California Central Coast Project of the Year Award in the Special Studies Under $2M Category. Goleta’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) is a comprehensive master planning document developed to guide the City’s future effort in planning and constructing safe, comfortable, and exciting bicycling and walking facilities. The City completed the BPMP in October 2018 using Sustainable Communities Planning grant funds awarded in 2016. A notable accomplishment of the BPMP was the successful inter-agency coordination conducted throughout the two-year period. Goleta’s street network and city boundary interact with the City of Santa Barbara, UCSB, Caltrans, and the County of Santa Barbara. The support received from these agencies was critical to holistically developing regional projects that benefit residents and visitors in the Goleta and the surrounding communities. The consultant team consisted of KTUA, Landscape Architecture and Planning; IBI Group and Katherine Padilla & Associates.