As a subconsultant to the project team, KTUA’s role included a review of current policies and future changes to these policies related to parking, mobility, urban design, public art and streetscape design. Well beyond the development of policies and guidelines, KTUA created design concepts for elements such as smart parking and drop-off areas; bulb-outs that support public realm space for socializing; and street design elements including public art, historical interpretive panels and wayfinding signage. Concepts also included the development of an expanded public space along the beach waterfront area and a turnaround for a beach parking lot.
Project challenges included finding a balance for community members who would like to see real change in the downtown area, including multi-modal options and the development of public space for improved streetscapes, and community members who believe that improvements are likely to increase congestion as a result of additional visitors coming into the area creating traffic and parking problems.
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City of Manhattan Beach