Mike Singleton is the principal of KTUA’s planning team. He is a frequent presenter at the local, regional, and state level on the interface between walkability, smart growth and urban forestry issues. Mike has a clear understanding of the many elements required to actually achieve a “smart” project and to create a sense of place. These elements include economic feasibility, development standards, site efficiencies, placemaking, multi-modal options, contextual design, safety through environmental design and aesthetics.
Mike has a strong site planning and transportation planning background focused on advanced transit planning, transit design, transit station area planning, complete streets analysis, bike facility design, bike master plans, walking facility design, pedestrian master planning, parking demand management, transportation demand management and smart growth planning. He has successfully written and managed a number of grants, including applications through Caltrans, SANDAG and SCAG, primarily focused on active transportation, smart growth and healthy communities.
Mike has successfully served as a workshop/project facilitator for a wide variety of project types, including community redevelopment, natural resource management plans, trail and interpretive signage plans. He works in close coordination with community groups, citizen advisory committees, task forces, city agencies and other public groups to identify project goals and community concerns, discuss project alternatives, and develop solutions to the benefit of the user, client and community.